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In the Living Room of Agnes BW

She has already had a few Art expositions in Paris and has recently exposed in the Gallery L'amour and is currently studying Fine Arts at the university of Sorbonne. Le Cercle en Marge had the opportunity to work with Agnes BW in our first official Event Persona, were she was LIVE DRAWING during the event.

What is your relation to Art?

- As long as I can remember I have always been drawing. I remember everytime I went to visit my grandparents as a child they would create a place for me to draw. I knew that I would be working with art and design and I did not have the problem to chose my orientation in high school, it was clear to me that I was going to study an Arts programme. Additionally I got influenced and inspired by my sister that has a certain technique when she draws. I started to develop my own personal style.

What would you like to concentrate on in your Artwork?

- There are alot of things I would like to say as an individual, I potray myself as someone introvert and with my art I get the courage to express everything that passes through my mind. My frustrations, my hopes and my personal beliefs like feminism. I react with my drawings by exposing my own body , I get to know my body and gain a self awareness.

I take on themes such as masturbation and nudity by working my way outward to confront my surroundings and myself. With my art I discover my body and what it means to be a woman in today's society which has given me more self confidence today.

How is your working process?

- I mostly draw portraits of people I know or people that inspire me. My working process starts by drawing different sketches and in the process I found parts I would like to focus more on. A part of me is always present in the portraits I work on, details I get attached with like hands or breast which grows into a portrait.

When did you start define yourself as an artist?

- Defining myself as an artist is very new to me. I considered myself as an student, someone expressing herself with her art. My boyfriend Franck Arthur has supported me alot by taking the initiative to help me create a professional facebook page, an instagram account to make it more clear that I am a working Artist in Paris.

What are your personal expectations for tomorrow?

- I would like to continue to create and being an established artist. Hopefully I will found a way to be able to make a living by doing the things I love. I dream of having my own working place, an Art Studio. Right now I work on my living room floor.

Recently I have been thinking on working as an illustrator for different companies and maybe try to get in into the art school "Les Arts Décoratifs" in Paris.

I would like to work more on personal projects, develop my art series and find a context with the female body and with my own. To continue the journey of my self process in order to get stronger and a bigger understanding of the world I live in.

Where you can find Agnes WB:

Instagram/ @agnesbwdrawing

facebook/Agnès BW

and don't hesitate to contact her by email if you would like to work with her or if you are interested in one of her art pieces.

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