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In the Art Studio of Agnes Widbom

Last sunday Le cercle en marge had the opportunity to visit the Atelier of the artist Agnes Widbom, we took the liberty to ask her a few questions and had a talk about art, the past, the future and everything in between.

Agnes Widbom works and operates in the heart of Paris, Le Marais, but has lived in differents parts of the world, from Stockholm to San francisco. Traveling has been a part of her life and it reflects in her work were observing new cultures and people has been apart of her creating process.

What is Art for you?

- A way to understand the present. Being able to take the temperature of the present, to understand our history, and to force ourself to see what it is like today in our environment.

What would you like to concentrate more on in your artwork?

- I would like to continue to explore my painting process with oil and see if it attracts me still. Otherwise I like to be a part of different projects, working with people about different subjects. I have ended up here were I am today through my travels, and has been influenced by the places I've been. I'm more interested by my surroundings and every person I meet has a whole new univers. My goal is to let go of the prejudice and to be objective in my art and in my life.

How would you describe your Art?

- My Art does not reflect the things I like, i'ts more about an documentation of my observations and reflections. I have moved around alot wich has made me adapt to my surroundings, taking in new cultures. Art should not adapt to my perceptions but my observations should bring an outsiders insight from a different perspective. That's what I want to bring to my creations and art, my self reflections. I think that I'm still in a early phase as an artist, through my art I discover more about myself.

What are your Dreams?

- To be able to dwell in the world in a more durable way and capable to be in a constant movement. Along with my art that would allow me to explore the world and making an living on it. Furthermore continue to develop myself as an artist, work on my portfolio and being part of projects that will lead to interesting relationships and experiences.

Agnes Widbom is in a constant movement and her personal work is in progress but you can discover one of her projects that she is involved with and organising with Miranda Gunnarsson for @strada_exhibitions, more information coming up soon!

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